Timothy hay for sale near me is a cool season perennial bunch-grass that is adapted to humid temperate areas with severe winters. Its inflorescence is a dense, cylindrical, and spike-like panicle. Each spikelet contains a single floret surrounded by a pair of glumes. Timothy’s root system is shallow and fibrous. Up to 80% of the root mass has been found in the top 2 inches of soil. It is suited to fine to medium texture soils that are well to somewhat poorly drained. It will tolerate flooding and acid to moderately alkaline conditions. It has low tolerance to heat and drought, while being very winter hardy.
Timothy Hay for Sale is most commonly used for hay, being historically favored for horses. Its culmed vegetative regrowth habit makes it sensitive to grazing mismanagement. Primary growing season is from April to October, with most growth during spring and a smaller growth period in the autumn.
Timothy Grass Hay
VARIETY: Alfalfa & Orchard Mix
SIZE:Small Square
QTY:60000 Bales
PRICE:$90.00 per Bale
DELIVERY OFFER:Pick Up, Delivery for a Fee